Saturday, March 24, 2012

New Furniture!

Hi everybody!  Today is a beautiful, sunny spring morning, i.e. the perfect morning to buy some furniture!

The hubby used to work up in Hillyard, and every day he would drive through the little section of Market street with all those quaint antique shops and old brick buildings.  Ever since then, we've been meaning to meander through those shops and see what they have to offer.  Well, one of the shops, O'Brien Used Furniture, has a website that we look at now and then to see their monthly specials.  For the past couple weeks, we've been drooling over an end table set, and today we got it!  Take a look:

David's putting the legs back on; we had to take them off to fit the tables in the car.

End table #1

Coffee table, all set up with David's XBox controller and Diet Coke

End table #2 in our future reading nook. 
I'm planning on building bookshelves with my dad to go behind this chair and end table.


  1. Oh cool! I love your reading nook. So cozy :) we should go look again when i move out and need new furniture.

    1. Most definitely! It's a cool little store...a lot of cheesy 70's furniture, but some good stuff, too :-)
