Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Around the garden

The time has come to show off some garden pictures!  Everything in the vegetable garden is green and beautiful.  My first tomatoes, while still green, are starting to get big, promising a good canning batch.  I have baby zucchinis coming into the world.  We've already eaten all the broccoli we got for this year; next up we'll be eating the kohlrabi.  In a couple of weeks, we should have sugar snap peas!

Life is good.

On the flower side of the garden, most of the summer flowers are just beginning to bloom, but they don't look really impressive until about August...take a look for yourselves:

A view of the veggie garden from the gate.
Remember how it used to look?

One more view from the other corner

green tomatoes!
purple kohlrabi

purple bell pepper. the bottom one is ready to eat:-)
These are about 7 feet tall!

The snapdragons are just starting to bloom.  They will get much bigger and fuller.
Lychnis.  These turned out much prettier than I imagined.
And the first dahlia to bloom this year.
I planted 14 dahlias total...I can't wait to see the rest of them!

In a related project, David and I were getting tired of chasing away door-to-door salesmen, so we decided to make a "No Soliciting" sign.

We cut off a rectangular piece of a scrap board of pine we had laying around, and we routed the edges of it to make it pretty.  Then some sanding took place to get rid of chips and fuzzies left behind by the router.

I painted the board to match the trim color of the house, then penciled on and meticulously painted the lettering with the world's tiniest paintbrush.

Finished product!
Nothing says "go away!" quite so stylishly :-)

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