Monday, April 23, 2012

Concrete Pathway!

This weekend was GORGEOUS! I have the slight sunburn to prove it. 

Today, David and I decided to finally attack a project that we've been talking about for over a year: a concrete pathway going from our driveway to our front door.  What sparked this decision? Concrete was on sale.  So, we took the truck down to Home Depot, picked up 7 bags of concrete and a mold, came home, and got started.  I thought we'd be working on the pathway all day, but it only took about 3 hours to do...way easy! Now I'm looking for an excuse to put another pathway in somewhere.  Here's some pictures:

This is me digging up sod where the path will go.

Here's David, finishing digging the sod up.

                                               Mixing up concrete

This form thing is so cool! You just fill in the holes with concrete, pick it up, turn it a quarter turn, and repeat.  Presto-change-o, cobblestone pathway!

All done!


  1. What a pretty pathway! Nice job Hannah and David!

  2. Beautiful work! My husband and I are going to do this soon and I was looking for inspiration when I found your post. You guys did a super job keeping the path neat and the pattern random. :-)
